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cedarcli env list

cedarcli env list stands for CEDAR CLI Environment Variables List. You can check the values of all the environment variables that begin with the prefix CEDAR_ in your current environment.

Running cedarcli env list

Execute this:

cedarcli env list

You should see an output resembling this:

                                    CEDAR environment variables
┃ Name                                          ┃ Value                                            ┃
│ CEDAR_ADMIN_USER_API_KEY                      │ 0000111122223333444455556666777788889999aaaabbb… │
│ CEDAR_ADMIN_USER_PASSWORD                     │ Password123                                      │
│ CEDAR_ANALYTICS_KEY                           │ false                                            │
│ CEDAR_ARTIFACT_ADMIN_PORT                     │ 9101                                             │
│ CEDAR_ARTIFACT_HTTP_PORT                      │ 9001                                             │
│ CEDAR_ARTIFACT_SERVER_HOST                    │ 192.1680.17.111                                  │
│ CEDAR_ARTIFACT_STOP_PORT                      │ 9201                                             │
│ CEDAR_WORKER_HTTP_PORT                        │ 9011                                             │
│ CEDAR_WORKER_SERVER_HOST                      │ 192.1680.17.111                                  │
│ CEDAR_WORKER_STOP_PORT                        │ 9211                                             │
                                           166 variables

Debugging cedarcli env list

If your output looks different from the one presented above, please go back, and start from beginning. You will need your environment set up correctly before proceeding.