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Try CEDAR Embeddable Editor

Follow the below steps to try CEDAR Embeddable Editor

The steps below were tested on a MacOS, but should run o any other system with slight modifications

# Create a directory to hold the sample code
mkdir CEE
cd CEE

# Clone the repos
git clone --branch release-2.6.31
git clone --branch release-2.6.31

# Install Node.Js 16 using your preferred method
brew install node@16

# Install angular for the demo applications
npm install -g @angular/cli

# Install dependencies, and run the content distribution
# This will serve the latest version of the embeddable editor
cd ~/CEE/cedar-component-distribution/
npm install
ng serve

# In a new shell
# Install dependencies, and run the demo app and the docs app
cd ~/CEE/cedar-cee-demo/cedar-cee-demo-angular-src/
npm install
ng serve

# In a new shell
cd ~/CEE/cedar-cee-demo/cedar-cee-docs-angular-src/
npm install
ng serve

After these steps you will have: