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cedarcli git commands

During development, it is needed, that the same git operation is executed on all the repos. This can be done one by one on all the CEDAR repos. We have a set of commands that can help the developer with these tasks.

The following commands can be executed from anywhere, they will use the CEDAR_HOME to define the working directory for the underlying git commands.

Git status

cedarcli git status

Git pull

cedarcli git pull

Go to next repo with changes

This is especially usefull during the end-of-day check-in process. This commands changes the directory into the next repo which needs attention:

cedarcli git next

Important env variable

CEDAR uses some private documentation repos as well, which are not crucial for the deployment of the application. However, these are included in the list handled by cedarcli.

To disregard these repos in case you don't have access to them, set the CEDAR_DEV_USE_PRIVATE_REPOS env variable to anything but true:

vi ~/.zshrc



Checkout a given branch

cedarcli git checkout <branchname>

List the active branches

cedarcli git branch

Fetch changes

cedarcli git fetch

List remotes

cedarcli git remote

List newest local and remote branches

cedarcli git list branch

List newest local and remote tags

cedarcli git list tag

Switch to branch

cedarcli git branch <branchname>

Add-commit-push all repos

cedarcli git add-commit-push COMMENT