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cedarcli status stands for CEDAR Server Status. You can check the status of the various components. It is actually a shortcut to cedarcli server status

Running status

Execute this:

cedarcli status

You should see the following output:

                 CEDAR Server status list
┃ Server                 ┃ Status ┃ Port  ┃ Error         ┃
│ Microservice           │        │       │               │
│ artifact               │ ❌     │ 9001  │ Port not open │
│ bridge                 │ ❌     │ 9015  │ Port not open │
│ group                  │ ❌     │ 9009  │ Port not open │
│ impex                  │ ❌     │ 9008  │ Port not open │
│ messaging              │ ❌     │ 9012  │ Port not open │
│ monitor                │ ❌     │ 9014  │ Port not open │
│ open                   │ ❌     │ 9013  │ Port not open │
│ repo                   │ ❌     │ 9002  │ Port not open │
│ resource               │ ❌     │ 9007  │ Port not open │
│ schema                 │ ❌     │ 9003  │ Port not open │
│ submission             │ ❌     │ 9010  │ Port not open │
│ terminology            │ ❌     │ 9004  │ Port not open │
│ user                   │ ❌     │ 9005  │ Port not open │
│ valuerecommender       │ ❌     │ 9006  │ Port not open │
│ worker                 │ ❌     │ 9011  │ Port not open │
│ Infrastructure         │        │       │               │
│ MongoDB                │ ❌     │ 27017 │ Port not open │
│ OpenSearch-REST        │ ❌     │ 9200  │ Port not open │
│ OpenSearch-Transport   │ ❌     │ 9300  │ Port not open │
│ NGINX                  │ ❌     │ 80    │ Port not open │
│ Keycloak               │ ❌     │ 8080  │ Port not open │
│ Neo4j                  │ ❌     │ 7474  │ Port not open │
│ Redis-persistent       │ ❌     │ 6379  │ Port not open │
│ MySQL                  │ ❌     │ 3306  │ Port not open │
│ Frontend               │        │       │               │
│ main                   │ ❌     │ 4200  │ Port not open │
│ openview               │ ❌     │ 4220  │ Port not open │
│ component              │ ❌     │ 4240  │ Port not open │
│ monitoring             │ ❌     │ 4300  │ Port not open │
│ artifacts              │ ❌     │ 4320  │ Port not open │
│ bridging               │ ❌     │ 4340  │ Port not open │
│ Frontend-non-essential │        │       │               │
│ cee-dev                │ ❌     │ 4400  │ Port not open │
│ demo.cee               │ ❌     │ 4260  │ Port not open │
│ docs.cee               │ ❌     │ 4280  │ Port not open │

Checking status

As you can see, all the services should be stopped at this point.

Preexisting services

If you have some services in the running state, that means that you already have some components of the CEDAR system installed. This could be a background service, that you use in another project, e.g. MongoDB, Neo4j and so on.

Important - Preexisting services

It is perfectly fine to have CEDAR components preinstalled onto your system.

However, this guide presents an installation on a 'clean' OS.

If you already have some of these components installed, than it is your responsibility to make them work with CEDAR while maintaining their connection to your other projects.