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CEDAR uses Neo4j as storage for the following artifacts of CEDAR:

  • users
  • groups
  • categories
  • permissions

Install Neo4j

Please install Neo4j Community Edition, version 5.4.0:


Do not install Neo4j from a binary. We want to allow usage of APOC which will be possible if we install Neo4j from a zip.

Download the package from the distribution site:

# or

Once the package is downloaded, unpack it and rename it:

tar -xvf neo4j-community-5.4.0-unix.tar.gz
mv neo4j-community-5.4.0-unix neo4j

Do not start Neo4j yet. We need to set the initial password first.

Enable APOC procedures

Move apoc-5.4.1-core.jar from labs to plugins:

mv $CEDAR_HOME/neo4j/labs/apoc-5.4.1-core.jar $CEDAR_HOME/neo4j/plugins/. 

Edit the config, and enable the procedures:

vi $CEDAR_HOME/neo4j/conf/neo4j.conf 
Add this line:*,apoc.*

Set password for the neo4j user

Neo4j server uses a default username, 'neo4j'. We will change the password for this user before we start the server.

Execute the following:

${CEDAR_NEO4J_HOME}/bin/neo4j-admin set-initial-password changeme

Start Neo4j


Check Neo4j status

cedarcli status

You should see the following line in the output:

| Neo4j                      | Running | httpResponse| 7474| HTTP/1.1\s200\sOK |

Check the connection

Connect to the Administrative UI of Neo4j.

Using your browser open: http://localhost:7474/

You will see a page resembling the image below:

Neo4j first time login

Please fill in the form according to these values:

Question Answer
Connect URL bolt://localhost:7687
Authentication type: Username / Password
Username: neo4j
Password changeme

You should be able to log in to the system.


Default password

If by mistake you started neo4j before changing the initial password, the password for user neo4j will be set to neo4j

Log in with this default password. You will be prompted to change it. Change it to changeme.

Change password

If at any time you decide to change the password for the neo4j user, log in to the admin UI, and type

:server change-password

into the top console line, as seen on this picture:

Neo4j change password

You will be able to change your password.